2017年4月10日 星期一

2017年1月11日 星期三

Programmable crystal controlled 47 tone CTCSS encoder kit

1.      Programmable crystal controlled CTCSS tone encoder kit
2.      It can encode the 47 CTCSS tones listed below and generates a sign wave.
3.      Output level is fairly flat from 67 to 118Hz at approx. 3V p-p
and then falls gradually to approx. 1V p-p at 254Hz, most
radio’s require less CTCSS input level at higher frequencies
so this is ideal.(10K VR adjust output level range)
4.      There is an encode enable input that connects to the radio's
PTT line (active low). You can tie the encode enable input (PTT) to ground for continuous encode.
5.      Fit the 6 supplied Switch in the following combinations to select the desired tone frequency.A Switch ON is fitted to represent a logic zero (0).
6.      47 CTCSS tones Frequency Accuracy: Guarantee ±0.01%.
7.      It's powered by 7 to 15V DC and draws less them 10 mA.
8.      The product needs to be assembled and soldered by yourself.
9.      PCB size is 40 x 44mm.

Parts list:-

IC                            x1
DIP 14
78L05                     x1
Diode 1N4148       x2

10K  Resistor         x3
VR 10K                 x1

Crystal 20MHz      x1

100uF or 10uF       x1

20pF or 22pF         x2

0.1uF                     x3
0.47uF                   x1
0.33uF                   x1
PIN Header           x1  

DIP Switch           x1
6x2 Pin
PCB                      x1

Fit the 6 supplied DIP Switch in the following combinations to select the desired tone frequency.
Switch ON is fitted to represent a logic zero (0).

Switch  => 654321
Switcch=> 654321
254.1Hz => 000000
250.3Hz => 000001
241.8Hz => 000010
233.6Hz => 000011
229.1Hz => 000100
225.7Hz => 000101
218.1Hz => 000110
210.7Hz => 000111
206.5Hz => 001000
203.5Hz => 001001
199.5Hz => 001010
196.6Hz => 001011
192.8Hz => 001100
189.9Hz => 001101
186.2Hz => 001110
183.5Hz => 001111
179.9Hz => 010000
173.8Hz => 010001
167.9Hz => 010010
162.2Hz => 010011
159.8Hz => 010100
156.7Hz => 010101
151.4Hz => 010110
146.2Hz => 010111
141.3Hz => 011000
136.5Hz => 011001
131.8Hz => 011010
127.3Hz => 011011
123.0Hz => 011100
118.8Hz => 011101
114.8Hz => 011110
110.9Hz => 011111
107.2Hz => 100000
103.5Hz => 100001
100.0Hz => 100010
 97.4Hz => 100011
 94.8Hz => 100100
 91.5Hz => 100101
 88.5Hz => 100110
 85.4Hz => 100111
 82.5Hz => 101000
 79.7Hz => 101001
 77.0Hz => 101010
 74.4Hz => 101011
 71.9Hz => 101100
 69.3Hz => 101101
 67.0Hz => 101110 
 67.0Hz => 111111