2009年12月6日 星期日

USB I/O Data Acquisition Device

Data Acquisition Device

Features summary:

1. Full-speed USB 2.0 communication.
2. Drivers available for Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
3. Embedded command interpreter.
4. 12 general purpose digital I/Os:P0,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,Pa,Pb.
5. Analog Input Channel(10 bits ADC):ADC0 and ADC1, ADC Range [0:1023].
6. Pulse Width Modulation:One Channel, PWM Width Range [0:255].
7. Analog Output Channel: One Channel, DAC Range [0:255]
8. UART:TX and RX support.
9. Powers from USB.
10.Provide Visual Basic 6.0 Test Program Source Code.(VB 6 testing case)

USB data acquisition device control method is very easy for Windows XP / Vista operating system. The simplest way is through the virtual Com Port. Any existing software or programming environment that can send text string to a COM port will know how to talk to the USB data acquisition device. You can even perform simple tests with your favorite terminal emulator. The product needs to be assembled and soldered by yourself.

Four functional modules, I/O, ADC, PWM and UART are provided; the followings are the specifications for them.

USB Data Acquisition Device Pin definition:

Control Command Format:

(1) 12 Digital Input/Output Ports:
+out0=1# ………………send to USB_IO
+OUT0=1# ……………………Receive from USB_IO
+outa=0# ………………Send to USB_IO
+OUTa=0# ……………………Receive from USB_IO
+in6# ………………Send to USB_IO
+IN6=0# ………………………Receive from USB_IO
+ina# ………………Send to USB_IO
+INa=1# ………………………Receive from USB_IO

(2) Analog Input Channel:
10 bits ADC, The ADC Range [0:1023].
+adc0# ………………Send to USB_IO
+ADC0=0220# ………………………Receive from USB_IO
+adc1# ………………Send to USB_IO
+ADC1=1023# ………………………Receive from USB_IO

(3) Pulse Width Modulation(DAC function):
Frequency=2.9KHz, PWM Width Range [0:255].
+pwm=160# ………………Send to USB_IO (Width Range=160)
+OK# ………………………Receive from USB_IO
+pwm=009# ………………Send to USB_IO (Width Range=9)
+OK# ………………………Receive from USB_IO

1 Start bit + 8 Data bits + 1 Stop bit. The TX/RX Buffer = 32 bytes.
+rate=2# ………………Send to USB_IO (UART Rate=9600 bps)
+OK# ………………………Receive from USB_IO

+txd=12345# ………………Send to USB_IO (TX: Send Data)
+OK# ………………………Receive from USB_IO
+rxd# ………………Send to USB_IO (RX: Receive Data)
+RXD=ABCDEFG# ………………………Receive from USB_IO

Installation drivers
Plug USB data acquisition device into USB port; if your OS is Windows, it will be detected automatically.You will see a pop-out window as the picture shown below.Click on “Install from a list or specific location”.

Set the installation path to CD_ROOT\inf

A security alert would come out; just click on “Continue Anyway”

The window will appear after the hardware installed done.

In Device Manager, you will see it. Please refer to following figure.

USB data acquisition device circuit:

The input of ADC1(OSC) and ADC0(VIN) are resistor dividers, R5/R7 and R6/R8 respectively. It means that you can control the ratio of resistor, manually. For example, R5/R7=10k/2k and the input voltage equals 5v, the ADC reads 0240 (For a 10-bit ADC, the range is 0000 - 1023).

The pwm function makes it very simple to generate a programmable control voltage. It is also possible to use the pwm outputs without any filtering, the pwm output connected directly.

A simple R-C filter will generate a clean, linearly varying analog voltage, and by changing this voltage at regular intervals, it is also possible to generate arbitrary waveforms.

USB device reference I/O Circuit:

USB data acquisition device PCB:

USB data acquisition device outline:

Steps for installation the components of USB data acquisition device:

1.Assemble resistance R1, R5, R6 (the 10K ohm), R3 (the 300 ohms), R2, R4, R7,R8 (the 2K ohm) and RN1 (the 4.7K ohm, attention installs Pin 1).

2.Assemble D1 and D2. (the 1N4148 diode, attention polarity).

3.Assemble LED1 (LED, attention polarity)

4.Assemble capacity CAP1, CAP3 (100uF, attention polarity), CAP2 and CAP4 (10uF, attention polarity)

5.Assemble capacity C1, C3(0.1uF), C2 and C4(20pF).

6.Assemble quartz crystal Y1(12MHz), polymer resettable fuse FUSE1(0.5A) and inductance L1(220uH).

7.Assemble the USB connector and micro-controller U1.

8.Assemble CN1 (Pin Header 8 Pin), CN2 (Pin Header 4 Pin), CN4 (Pin Header 6 Pin) and CN5 (Pin Header 4 Pin).

Visual Basic 6.0 Test Program Source Code:

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
'declare Sleep function

Dim DIO(11) As Integer ' Setup 12 Digital I/O
'Ture => out
'False => IN

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 11
DIO(i) = 1
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Connect_Click()

If Connect.Caption = "Disconnect" Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 'Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.CommPort = COM_Number.Text
MSCom.Settings = "1152000,n,8,1"
MSCom.PortOpen = True
' MSCom.InputMode = comInputModeBinary
Connect.Caption = "Connect OK"
Timer1.Enabled = True 'Timer=0.1S (ADC0 & ADC1)
MSCom.Output = "+pwm=128#"
Sleep 10
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 'Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
Connect.Caption = "Disconnect"
Timer1.Enabled = False
MSCom.PortOpen = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub END_Click()
End ' END Program
End Sub

Private Sub Op_48_Click() '4800 bps
MSCom.Output = "+rate=1#" 'command format
End Sub
Private Sub Op_96_Click() '9600 bps
MSCom.Output = "+rate=2#" 'command format
End Sub
Private Sub Op_1152_Click() '115200 bps
MSCom.Output = "+rate=3#" 'command format
End Sub

Private Sub RX_Click()
Dim SS As String
Dim i, j As Integer

RX_Text.Text = "" ' Clear Buffer
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+rxd#" ' command format
Sleep 100
j = MSCom.InBufferCount ' Receive Byte Counter
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input

RX_Text.Text = SS

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'Timer=0.2S (ADC0 & ADC1)
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim SS As String

ADC0.Text = "" ' Clear
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+adc0#" ' command format
Sleep 100
j = MSCom.InBufferCount ' Receive Byte Counter
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
ADC0.Text = SS

ADC1.Text = "" ' Clear
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+adc1#" ' command format
Sleep 100
j = MSCom.InBufferCount ' Receive Byte Counter
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
ADC1.Text = SS

End Sub

Private Sub TX_Click()
TX = Red
MSCom.Output = "+txd=" & TX_Text.Text & "#" ' command format
End Sub

' 12 Digital Input/Output Ports
Private Sub Setup_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim SS As String

'********** out command **********
If DIO(0) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out0=" & D0.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(1) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out1=" & D1.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(2) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out2=" & D2.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(3) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out3=" & D3.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(4) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out4=" & D4.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(5) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out5=" & D5.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(6) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out6=" & D6.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(7) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out7=" & D7.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(8) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out8=" & D8.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(9) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+out9=" & D9.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(10) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+outa=" & D10.Text & "#"
End If

If DIO(11) = 1 Then
MSCom.Output = "+outb=" & D11.Text & "#"
End If

Sleep 100 'Delay time
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 'Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffera1233

'*********** in command **********
If DIO(0) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in0#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D0.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(1) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in1#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D1.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(2) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in2#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D2.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(3) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in3#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D3.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(4) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in4#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D4.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(5) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in5#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D5.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(6) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in6#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D6.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(7) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in7#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D7.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(8) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in8#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D8.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(9) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+in9#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D9.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(10) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+ina#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D10.Text = SS
End If

If DIO(11) = 0 Then
MSCom.InBufferCount = 0 ' Clear MSCOM INPUT Buffer
MSCom.Output = "+inb#"
Sleep 10
SS = MSCom.Input ' UART Input
D11.Text = SS
End If

End Sub
Private Sub IO0_Click()
If DIO(0) = 1 Then
DIO(0) = 0: IO0.Caption = "in0"
DIO(0) = 1: IO0.Caption = "out0"
D0.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO1_Click()
If DIO(1) = 1 Then
DIO(1) = 0: IO1.Caption = "in1"
DIO(1) = 1: IO1.Caption = "out1"
D1.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO2_Click()
If DIO(2) = 1 Then
DIO(2) = 0: IO2.Caption = "in2"
DIO(2) = 1: IO2.Caption = "out2"
D2.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO3_Click()
If DIO(3) = 1 Then
DIO(3) = 0: IO3.Caption = "in3"
DIO(3) = 1: IO3.Caption = "out3"
D3.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO4_Click()
If DIO(4) = 1 Then
DIO(4) = 0: IO4.Caption = "in4"
DIO(4) = 1: IO4.Caption = "out4"
D4.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO5_Click()
If DIO(5) = 1 Then
DIO(5) = 0: IO5.Caption = "in5"
DIO(5) = 1: IO5.Caption = "out5"
D5.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO6_Click()
If DIO(6) = 1 Then
DIO(6) = 0: IO6.Caption = "in6"
DIO(6) = 1: IO6.Caption = "out6"
D6.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO7_Click()
If DIO(7) = 1 Then
DIO(7) = 0: IO7.Caption = "in7"
DIO(7) = 1: IO7.Caption = "out7"
D7.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO8_Click()
If DIO(8) = 1 Then
DIO(8) = 0: IO8.Caption = "in8"
DIO(8) = 1: IO8.Caption = "out8"
D8.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IO9_Click()
If DIO(9) = 1 Then
DIO(9) = 0: IO9.Caption = "in9"
DIO(9) = 1: IO9.Caption = "out9"
D9.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IOa_Click()
If DIO(10) = 1 Then
DIO(10) = 0: IOa.Caption = "ina"
DIO(10) = 1: IOa.Caption = "outa"
D10.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub IOb_Click()
If DIO(11) = 1 Then
DIO(11) = 0: IOb.Caption = "inb"
DIO(11) = 1: IOb.Caption = "outb"
D11.Text = "1"
End If
End Sub

' PWM Function
Private Sub Slider_Scroll()
Dim SS As String

If Slider.Value > 100 Then
SS = "+pwm=" & Right(Str(Slider.Value), 3) & "#"
ElseIf Slider.Value > 10 Then
SS = "+pwm=0" & Right(Str(Slider.Value), 2) & "#"
SS = "+pwm=00" & Right(Str(Slider.Value), 1) & "#"
End If

MSCom.Output = SS
PWM_Label.Caption = "PWM Width: " & Slider.Value & "/255"

End Sub

2009年12月4日 星期五

USB AVR ATmega 24C ISP Multi Programmer + Oscilloscope + Logic Analyzer + Signal / PWM Generator

USB Multi-Programmer

IC Programmer, Logic Analyzer, Oscilloscope,
UART Analysis, Voltmeter, Signal Generator,
PWM Generator, Logic Testing

USB Multi-Programmer is a development tool of eight functional modules, programmer, logic test, voltmeter, signal generator, PWM generators, logic analyzers, oscilloscopes; and UART analysis. Besides the power it requires is supplied by USB port; therefore, no extra power is needed.
There is a polymer resettable fuse circuit on USB Multi-Programmer to protect a computer USB port. The product needs to be assembled and soldered by yourself.

Features Summary:
1. IC Programmer:
AT89S51, AT89S52.
ATmega8(L), ATmega16(L), ATmega32(L), ATmega64(L),
ATmega88, ATmega168. .... Arduino Programmer24C01, 24C02, 24C04, 24C08, 24C16, 24C32, 24C64, 24C128, 24C256, 24C512.
2. Logic Test:
Eight Channels, measure Logic-0/Logic-1.
3. Voltmeter:The voltage Range is 0V~16V.
4. Signal Generator:
The output frequency is between 1Hz and 100KHz, the square-wave signal output.
5. PWM Generator:
The output frequency is 2.9 KHz, Duty Range[1:255].
6. Logic Analyzer:
We have eight sampling channels of sampling depth 384 bits. It includes two trigger modes, “Internal Clock (Trigger ON or Trigger OFF)” and” External Clock (Clock H-> L or Clock L-> H)”. In Internal Clock Mode, the sample rate is 150 KHz, 100 KHz, 60 KHz, 50 KHz, 20 KHz, 10 KHz, 5 KHz and 3 KHz. In External Clock Mode, the maximum External Input Clock is 150 KHz.
7. Oscilloscope:
It has only one channel of depth 384 bytes. The maximum sample rate is 150 KHz, and the measure voltage range is between 0V and 16V. The horizontal axis (time) range is 0.1 mS, 0.2 mS, 0.4 mS, 1 mS, 10 mS, 50 mS, 0.5 S and 2 S, and the vertical axis (voltage) range is between 1 V and 2 V.
8. UART Analysis:
The transmission rate is 4800 bps, 9600 bps and 115200 bps, the data format is 1 Start bit, 8 Data bits and 1 Stop bit, and TX/RX Buffer is 16 bytes.

USB Multi-Programmer Pin Defination:

ISP Programmer Pin Defination:
2. RST --
5. MISO --
SNG: Signal Generator / PWM Generator
OSC: Oscilloscope
VIN: Voltmeter
LA0~LA7: Logic Analyzer

Installation drivers:
Plug USB Multi-Programmer into USB port; if your OS is Windows, it will be detected automatically. You will see a pop-out window as the picture shown below. Click on “Install from a list or specific location”.

Set the installation path to CD: root\inf

A security alert would come out; just click on “Continue Anyway”
The window will appear after the hardware installed done.
In Device Manager, you will see it. Please refer to following figure.

Installation USB Multi-Programmer application program:
Click on the setup.exe file in the CD.please refer to following figure.

USB Multi-Programmer application:

Plug the USB Multi-Programmer into USB Port, and open USB Multi-Programmer application.
If the connection is successful, you will see a pop-out window as the picture shown below.
End: End USB Multi-Programmer applications.
About: Definitions of pins of USB Multi-Programmer. Please refer to following figure.

Descriptions of eight functional modules of the USB Multi-Programmer
A. Programmer:

Select programming IC types (AT89S, AVR and 24C) and the programming device models, and you can click on the following functional buttons as the picture shown below, such as File, Write, Lock bits, Run, Buffer, Clear, and the speed of programming speed can be set based on the implementation of microprocessor speed. Clear is used to empty Programming Message windows.

In this multi-programmer application, it includes three programming IC types, AT89S, AVR and 24C. In addition, there are 7 functional buttons in this application; their functions are described below:

File: open program file or open EEPROM file.
Write: programming Program Memory or EEPROM Memory.
Lock bits: programming lock bits.
Run: run microprocessor.
Buffer: display Program Memory or EEPROM Memory content.
Programming Speed: set the speed of programming.
Clear: empty programming message window.

For AVR series, you can either program “Program Memory” or “EEPRON Memory”, and it also includes two File buttons, one for “Open Program File” and another for “Open EEPROM File”

Auto: It records the last status, and helps you to initialize your program quick. It includes followings steps: Please refer to following figure.
1. First, it accesses the last Program Memory File, programs Programming Memory and checks the programming status.
2.Second, it accesses the last EEPRON File, programs EEPROM Memory and checks the programming status.
3.Third, it programs Lock bits, and check the lock bits status.
4.Last, run microprocessor.

USB Multi-Programmer messages:

USB Multi-Programmer Lock bits window:
AT89S51 Lock bits window
ATmega Lock bits Window.

USB Multi-Programmer buffer:

B. Signal Generator, PWM Generator, Voltmeter, Logic Testing: Signal / PWM generator can completely setup by using mouse. The signal generator output frequency is between 1 Hz and 100 KHz, and the PWM output frequency is 2.9 KHz, Duty Range [1:255]. The voltmeter range is 0V ~ 16V.

C. Logic Analyzer:
We have eight sampling channels of sampling depth 384 bits. It includes two trigger modes, “Internal Clock (Trigger ON or Trigger OFF)” and” External Clock (Clock H-> L or Clock L-> H)”. In Internal Clock Mode, the sample rate is 150 KHz, 100 KHz, 60 KHz, 50 KHz, 20 KHz, 10 KHz, 5 KHz and 3 KHz. In External Clock Mode, the maximum External Input Clock is 150 KHz.

Internal Clock:Trigger ON: Set the CH7 ~ CH0 trigger status as 10101010.
Trigger OFF: The CH7~CH0 trigger condition is invalid.
External Clock:Clock H-> L or Clock L-> H: The External Clock input CH0 pin.

D. Oscilloscope:
It has only one channel of depth 384 bytes. The maximum sample rate is 150 KHz,
and the measure voltage range is between 0V and 16V. The horizontal axis (time) range is 0.1 mS, 0.2 mS, 0.4 mS, 1 mS, 10 mS, 50 mS, 0.5 S and 2 S, and the vertical axis (voltage) range is between 1 V and 2 V.
It can roughly calculate the signal's frequency, maximum voltage value, minimum voltage value and the average voltage value, as shown below.

E. UART Analysis:
The transmission rate is 4800 bps, 9600 bps and 115200 bps, the data format is 1 Start bit, 8 Data bits and 1 Stop bit, and TX/RX Buffer is 16 bytes.
Just enter the TX transmitted HEX Code, and it will be converted into ASCII Code automatically. By the way, the HEX Code or ASCII Code will be shown in the RX function when it receives the data.

USB Multi-Programmer Circuit:

USB multi-programmer PCB:
USB multi-programmer outline:

Steps for installation the components of USB Multi-Programmer:

1. Assemble resistance R1, R5, R6 (the 10K ohm), R3 (the 300 ohms), R2, R4, R7,R8 (the 2K ohm) and RN1 (the 4.7K ohm, attention installs Pin 1).

2. Assemble D1 and D2. (the 1N4148 diode, attention polarity).

3. Assemble LED1 (LED, attention polarity).
4. Assemble capacity C10, C9 (100uF, attention polarity), C7 and C8 (10uF, attention polarity).
5. Assemble capacity C1, C3(0.1uF), C2 and C4(20pF).

6. Assemble quartz crystal Y1(12MHz), polymer resettable fuse FUSE1(0.5A) and inductance L1(220uH).
7. Assemble the USB connector and micro-controller U1
8. Assemble CN1 (Pin Header 8 Pin), CN2 (Pin Header 4 Pin), CN4 (Pin Header 6 Pin).